Thursday, June 30, 2011

THE NIGHT CREW Episode 9 - Writer/Director Simon Rumley

Yep. Almost into double digits here on the Night Crew podcast. Next week marks 10 squared. 11 really, if you count episode 0 at the beginning of! Next week won't only mark episode 10, the first in what will hopefully be many "deca's" we mark off, it will also signal a little bit of a step up, in the guise of a button fixed to the face of the web page of the very hallowed and venerable FANGORIA magazine. Hopefully that will help kick numbers up a notch. Make no mistake, we want you to please pass this show onto your friends. Soon enough you'll see our ugly mugs in Fangoria too, so neener neener, have fun with that. We are going to start kicking at the industry and fandom alike, with t-shirts and ad's and all that hoo hah rock band like hype. Because that's what this is, more than anything, it's a band of freaks who live to immerse themselves in art of all forms. Our notoriety is your eyeball damage. But! What we take away from you ever being able to look upon any other fleshy thing again, hopefully we give back to you tenfold, with the golden graces of the collective wit and knowledge that is the Night Crew, as they flow from computer speaker to human eardrum?


Eh. Ok. Fair enough I suppose.

Anyway, harumph, moving on...We are very happy to have our regular Twitch contributor Andrew Mack  back from a short hiatus, as well as yet another Twitchey cohort, our Man From Hong Kong, James Marsh, reporting from...well...HONG KONG! The two clowns we call Philip Nutman and Chris Alexander, aka The World's Most Unlikely Cowboy and Boss respectively, chime in with their weekly contributions on westerns and whatever weird shit happens to surface.
We are also extremely happy to finally have on the writer/director of one of the absolutely most amazing films of 2010, the caustic, unflinching, and extremely mature RED, WHITE & BLUE, mister Simon Rumley. We also talk about Simon's earlier work, including another favorite of mine, THE LIVING AND THE DEAD. Mr. Rumley has a very true eye for character, and even when plumbing the absolute lowest depths of the human condition, he still manages to find that place where the truth rests. A serious talent, and a pleasure to sit with for the show.

Also, it's Harryhausen's birthday today (June 29, 2011) The master is 91. RESPECT IT!

Plus, the usual mish mash of weird music, trailers, and in a bid to nab yet another demographic, I air my dirty love laundry. So click in, because we be keepin' it real ma! On The Night Crew.


If you'd rather carry us with you, then click here to download Episode 9 of the show as an Mp3 to load onto the player of your choice!

Here is a cool ass video some fan cut together of all of Harryhausen's creatures on one reel. Enjoy! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

THE NIGHT CREW Episode 8 - The Del Valle That Ate Hollywood!!!

Yep. Sean "The Butcher" here, and we had to have our pal David Del Valle back for a quick encore. We had so much fun talking to this wonderful author, journalist, and historian of all things cinematic a couple episodes back that we had to have him on again, and right quick. Mr. Del Valle updates us on the Pricentennial, a St. Louis event in honor of what would have been the venerable thespian's 100'th birthday, which he hosted along with Miss Victoria Price. Our chat touches on some tender subjects, but we hope you listener's understand how truly we all love Mr. Price. Not only for his contributions to the world of stage and cinema, but also to the arts as a whole. An altruist and an absolute gentleman, we are honored to have someone who knew him well take the time to sit with us, and tell us about a Master we no longer have the dream of meeting someday.

We are also very excited to finally introduce to you our Melbourne, Australia contributor Lee Gambin. Lee is a regular contributor to FANGORIA Magazine, and runs the Sissies And Sluts Theater group, a goofy, gory, and dangerously smart bunch of people running amok on the stage floors of Melbourne. A creative dynamo, we are super proud to call Lee one of The Night Crew, and sincerely look forward to giving him a forum in which to rant from his mouth to your lucky ears.
Be afraid.
Be very, very afraid.
We talk with lee about his background, and then get into a double feature slam, in which this time around we discuss two very renowned rock musicals. THE PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE from 1975, and REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA from 2008. We are bound to piss some people off, and make some people laugh. Hearts and a hornets nest with this one folks.

Also, as usual, we also have author Philip Nutman kicking up dirt with his Wild Wild Westerns Primer column, this week going back to the original version of TRUE GRIT featuring The Duke. Also, FANGORIA editor-in-chif Chris Alexander treads dangerous waters this week with his Movie-MORE-Than-A-Minute, as he waxes nostalgic about that aquatic atrocity from '83, JAWS 3-D!!! As if that wasn't enough to make a monkey masturbate, Thom and I discuss what we've been watching over the past week or so, commenting on J.J. Abrams' SUPER 8, the documentary INSIDE JOB, Matthew Vaughn's triumphant X-MEN FIRST CLASS, bad-ass Jason Statham in THE MECHANIC, and others. Sadly, an idiot lineman and a little bit of fate intervened, and we will not be having the TWITCH News Of The Week. Andrew mack's cable line was cut through by an overzealous phone company worker, and TWITCH main man Todd Brown was knocked out of pinch hitting due to the stormy temper of Mother Nature. So, even though they are indeed missed, TWITCH and Andrew Mack will return next week.

So sally forth, and enjoy episode 8...of THE NIGHT CREW!


If you'd rather carry us with you, then click here to download Episode 8 of the show as an Mp3 to load onto the player of your choice!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

THE NIGHT CREW Episode 7 - HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN's Jason Eisener and TROLLHUNTERS' Andre Ovredal

Yup. It's Sean "The Butcher" Smithson here, and it is true. We are finally back, and oh dear listeners, how we have missed you here on The Night Crew!  Thom and I took a couple weeks off to do a bunch of live work at Crypticon Seattle, and then another couple to wrap our heads around the oncoming onslaught that is summer and fall. No worries, we also devised a plan so we never leave you wonderful people without our presence for so long.

You'll see. Next time we take a short break from the heavenly hell that is doing a weekly podcast heavy on content. Hehehehe *evil laughter*

So, moving on and getting back into the swing, tonight we are very happy to have two new up-coming directors, Jason Eisener, the Canadian maleficent responsible for HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, as well as Andre Ovredal, the man behind the twisted, live action fractured fairy tale, TROLLHUNTER. Those interviews are brought to The Night Crew by our amazing and wonderful NYC correspondent. Miss Heather Buckley. Thom and I recap Crypticon, as well as talk about what we watched on our "vacation". Our FANGORIA brothers Philip Nutman and Chris Alexander return with the respective columns, and Andrew Mack chimes in with our regular TWITCH NEWS .

Stay tuned, because in the coming episodes you will be introduced to the very patient rest of The Night Crew. Mr. Lee Gambin out in Melbourne, AU, Miss Jessica Dwyer, Stateside from her Oregon compound, and a possible couple others, will be joining the fray very, very soon.

So be afraid. Be very afraid.


If you'd rather carry us with you, then click here to download Episode 5 of the show as an Mp3 to load onto the player of your choice!